Supply Centres


Precision Library 2 Shelving City of Perth Library

Dexion Balcatta wins shelving contract for new City of Perth (Western Australia) Library fitout.

Perth City Library building project completed 2016 with additional office shelving and office cabinets installed June 2017.

Dexion Project Team: Mark Mackenzie, Craig Dewar, Michael Cumner

Builder: Doric Constructions
Architect: KHA Kerry Hill Architects

The project also included supply of Metal Staff Lockers, Strata 2 office cabinets and open shelving to suit spaces, as design brief from sales consultant site visits and as quoted direct once staff relocated.

Photos taken during construction phase on practical completion of builder’s works.

Dexion Balcatta supplied a combination of Precision Library 2 shelving bay configurations following a 2 year consultation and tendering process which included CAD designs and specifications specific to each configuration.

The below was installed through out 4 floors of the building during final construction phase:

  • 90 Single entry bays are wall fixed with customised posts installed within angled recesses with joinery by others.
  • 125 Freestanding double entry bays in combinations of runs of 2, 3 and 4 with various shelf depths installed within joinery by Doric.

All shelving supplied in custom factory Black Satin finish.…/city-of-perth-library-celebrates-one-million-visits


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