
Dexion extends Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) partnership

Environmental and sustainability responsibility has been a major objective of the Dexion business, especially over the last decade. Dexion products are designed and manufactured according to best practices that aim to reduce the impact on the environment which could compromise the survival of future generations.

As a testament to the value Dexion places on environmental sustainability, we have renewed the license with GECA for a further two years.  Dexion has been a partner to GECA since 2009 and we place high value in this partnership.

GECA is the owner of the Good Environmental Choice Australia Ecolabel and manages a Type 1 Ecolabel program in accordance with ISO 14024 “Environmental Labels and Declarations”.

The certification process is extremely comprehensive and onerous to ensure each product meets the environmental, health, social and ethical standards that have been set.

The following products have been granted the use of the ecolabel and have been verified by an independent conformity assessment body that they meet the criteria of the GECA standards:

  • Strata 2 Bookcase Cabinet
  • Strata 2 Planter Box
  • Strata 2 Sliding Door Cabinet
  • Strata 2 Swing Door Cabinet
  • Strata 2 Tambour Door Cabinet
  • Agile Locker Range (Steel only)
  • Freetrack 2 Compactus
  • Mekdrive 3 Compactus
  • Side2Side 2 Compactus
  • SmartDrive Compactus (electric components excluded)
  • MaxiDrive Compactus
  • Ultima CI-80 Shelving
  • Precision Library 2 Shelving
  • Ultima Longspan 2 Shelving (steel shelf only)

Specifications that require Green Building schemes can be assured that Dexion products meet these requirements.

Dexion’s highly discerning customers are also conscious about the conservation of natural surroundings and demand that their suppliers have systems and policies that comply to these standards.

All Dexion products that are GECA certified carry the GECA label.  The GECA ecolabel is also a certification trademark, giving the public assurance that certified goods or services meet a particular standard. Certification trademarks are assessed and approved by the ACCC and registered by IP Australia.


在我们丰富的产品目录中发现智能解决方案。 无论您的企业在哪个市场运营,我们都有信心为您找到满足您特定需求的完美产品。

凭借数十年在存储解决方案领域的专业知识,我们赢得了各行各业客户的信任。 通过实际案例研究,了解我们如何以更智能的思维方式解决各种挑战。

我们遍布全国的专家团队可确保您的 Dexion 解决方案发挥出色。 从设计建议到维护保养,我们致力于确保您的投资获得成功。

探索 Dexion 创新解决方案,了解我们如何应对您的独特挑战。 观看我们的视频、手册和白皮书,深入了解我们的方法。

探索 Dexion 80 多年的专业技术,揭示我们成为存储解决方案行业领导者背后的驱动力。

今天就与我们的专业团队联系,取得成功并茁壮成长。 无论您身在何处,我们都已准备好迎接您的业务挑战。 请联系我们,与我们探讨如何满足您的需求,并提供使您的业务蓬勃发展的解决方案。
