
Dexion Successfully Completes SMETA Audit

Dexion proudly announces its achievement as a 4 Pillar  Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) company.

Sedex, a globally renowned ethical trade membership organisation, collaborates with businesses to develop and enhance working conditions within global supply chains.

The SMETA audit, conducted by QIMA in 2023 at Dexion’s Malaysia factory, evaluates ethical, social, and environmental practices. It verifies and underwrites Dexion’s Ethical Sourcing/Supply Chain credentials across four domains:

  1. Labour Standards: Ensuring compliance with local laws and international labour standards, including child labour, forced labour, and discrimination.
  2. Health & Safety: Adhering to local laws and international standards for worker health and safety.
  3. Environment: Complying with local laws and international standards concerning environmental protection, such as waste management, energy efficiency, and hazardous chemicals safety.
  4. Business Ethics: Upholding local laws and international standards for business ethics, such as anti-competitive activity, bribery, and corruption.

Dexion Corporate Social Responsibility

The SMETA assessment aligns with Dexion’s long-standing Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, reflecting its commitment to addressing environmental and social risks and fostering a sustainable future. Damian Cross, Dexion Asia Pacific Group Managing Director, states:

“Dexion’s culture is based on the respect for environmental stewardship which enables a sustainable future for our families, communities, countries and the planet at large. We also prioritise the rights, freedoms, safety and health of our employees, and we recognise that these values are important to convey through our supply chain.”

Specifically, Dexion works towards:

  • Mitigating climate change and introducing policies to protect the environment.
  • Improving labour policies and championing fair trade, worker safety and staff wellbeing and development.
  • Leveraging strong supplier partnerships to ethically source within the supply chain.
  • Continually developing company governance and transparency.


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